Hope is an underlying desire to achieve change, healing, and to overcome challenges. Hope takes us out of a victim mentality and in the driver seat to be a survivor in our lives. This allows us to become empowered through mindset, action, and aligning with our life desires. Hope gives us the strength to stay focused on the future and persevere through adversities. Hope is a belief that comes from faith, gratitude and love.
What is faith? Faith is a belief that there is something greater than you and more important than you. That can be God, a higher power, a child or loved one. It can be a mission you have in life that’s given you direction, focus and purpose. Ultimately, it is stepping outside of yourself to become unstuck and shifting the victim mindset to a survivor mindset. Find your faith.
Gratitude. Funny how gratitude shows up in all my coaching videos. Gratitude is about focusing on what you are thankful for. It’s shifting the mind from focusing on what you don’t have to what you do have. When we focus on what we do have, we are sending the message and frequency of wholeness. This makes space to invite our desires into our life. Make a daily gratitude list. Say thanks!
Love. Look around at all the people you care about. Connect with the people that you love. Take the time to be vulnerable and share. This creates connection and connection is healing. Vulnerability is what turns shame and judgment to a space of love and belonging. Take time to truly connect.