Your divine spark and soul essence is powerful beyond measure! How many times have you dimmed your light or blocked your light from shining? We’ve all experienced this on some level in our life.
Reconnecting with our hearts-center regains our soul connection. As you shine, you help others regain their strength to shine in times of darkness. This is our spiritual purpose in life, to shine forth and inspire others to regain their strength to shine.
There are practices that we can embody to help brighten our light and become a beacon of light for others. Here are five practices to connect with your heart-center and soul essence.
Work on healing. We all have healing work to do, and it is continuous work throughout life. The more we heal the more we understand darkness. This gives us personal power to be more compassionate and understanding of others in their times of darkness. Allow others to live in their own space and pace. Take the pressure off trying to change another to meet your needs. Giving others the grace and freedom in their own process allows their soul to blossom at the right time.
Lead by example. Leading by example in your own awakening journey and continually letting go of what does not serve your highest good will inspire those who are committed to taking actions towards the light.
Let go of judgment. It’s easy for us to go into judgement and chaos. Shifting our mindset to an observer and listening takes us to a neutral space of mind and allows us to broaden our perspective. I know when I shift into judgment it feels icky to me. I walk away from the conversation feeling as if I have dimmed my light and stepped outside of my practice. We are human, it will happen at times. Being aware of your judgement is the key to keeping your light shining.
Send love and light to all. This can be challenging at times, especially if there is anger and resentment energetically towards another person or a collective group. Use these feelings to understand where your healing needs to take place within you. This gives us the ability to be more compassionate to others.
Inspire others. Share inspiration and guidance in your own meaningful way. Use your own unique ideas that are a creative process for you. These are your gifts and talents. Channeling your own creativity with what you enjoy, and love brightens your light and helps lift others up.
Keep shining my friend!
With Love,